Photos of the international forum ''Time for Children! Towards a Family Friendly Society"
International forum ''Time for Children! Towards a Family Friendly Society" organized by the Year of Honorary Family, the Latvian National Library was held on 9 and 10 August.
In the light of anniversary of the founding the Latvian State, we were announcing the year 2018 as the Honour Family year. Motto of the year- Time for Children. Latvia on the road to a society that is more open towards families. During the year of Honour Family, we had planned various activities and events in order to thank and honour the families that raise children. We also had planned activities that would encourage society to understand the necessity to become a society that is welcoming for families with children. The future of Latvian society directly depends on it's children, that is why we had to state not only in words but also in action - it is time for children.